If you don't start somewhere, you are gonna go nowhere.
Bob Marley
What happens when you buy a book?
A lot, I promise!
My goal is to donate all the income I receive from the sales of the books to charities: educational institutions, non-profit NGOs, animal shelters, palliative care units, climate projects, etc. There are many institutions that need support and some incredibly great initiatives that I would like to promote. Perhaps you also have suggestions and ideas - I am always happy to receive input!
The money should flow where good is created, making the world better and healthier. I try to be transparent about this and will gradually list the institutions that we support together. In this way I want to say thank you to our beautiful world and give something back. At the same time, I would like to support the real heroes of society in this way. I want to start somewhere and I am really happy if you can support me. Thank you in advance for your support - from the bottom of my heart!
We support
Clinic clowns from Franconia - Clownprojekt e.V.
"A smile is the shortest connection between two people." Victor Borge
Since laughter is consequently healthy and balm for the soul, I am very happy to announce that this time
300 € (status 11.14.2022) have gone to the non-profit organization Clownsprojekt e.V..
I thank everyone from the bottom of my heart who supported me again and bought my children's book!
The regular clown visits in Franconia are currently carried out by 9 clowns - each clown is individual and has its own talents and abilities that are used. Their humorous but also sensitive hospital visits are carried out in close cooperation and exchange with doctors, nursing staff, pedagogues as well as psychologists. Throughout the year, the hard-working clowns visit three children's wards, a hospice and two geriatric wards in Nuremberg to make people forget the daily routine of the hospital for a short while and to fill the hearts of young and old with joy. More information about the association can be found here: clownproject.com

We support
Valentina Foundation - strength for little heroes
Two cacti have found each other! I would like to thank everyone who has bought my children's book "KEKOA KAKTEE - Courage is rewarded" so far and who have supported me in making the world a little more beautiful. So far, a total of 83.22 € (status: 30.09.2021) have come together !! This amount goes to the Valentina Foundation . This wonderful foundation enables seriously ill children to enjoy the highest possible quality of life with their loved ones and within the family at home until the end of their life. It ensures that the little heroines can be cared for by the university clinic on an outpatient, intensive medical and palliative basis (especially in rural areas). Together with the Ulm University Clinic ( PalliKJUR ), the aim is to develop, set up and implement inpatient palliative care for children. Because every single day on which a child is allowed to be with his family in the last phase of life is valuable and infinitely precious. Even if you are terminally ill, you should never give up and fight to the end - because every day is like a whole life. Further information on the personal history of the family, which the foundation set up as a legacy for their daughter Valentina, and on their mission is available at: stiftung-valentina.de